Introducing the MOONSHOT vision

A manifesto for change and new concepts

Our philosophy and approach are that architecture should serve people. We are passionate about finding answers to questions that have never been asked before and designing projects that push the boundaries of feasibility. We translate our ideas and innovative thoughts into the MOONSHOT vision. What does this project mean, how did it come about, and what are we working on now?

When we collectively tackled the question of how to take the company and ourselves forward, we decided to come up with something groundbreaking and challenging. Our goal was not only to strengthen our own capabilities but also to motivate the team and shift the perception of the brand among professionals and the public. Thus, a manifesto of innovative changes and new concepts not only in architecture and urban planning but also in product design was born, which we called MOONSHOT. Last year, for example, we presented a new look for the Prague embankment under Letná and a study showing new possibilities for the construction of logistics complexes.

The choice of topics was not random.

Rather, it’s about suggesting the best topics that we care about and are interested in. Usually there is a personal story behind them. And so, for example, we proposed a new concept for a logistics complex near Klecany, which we pass through on our way to visit family, because we didn’t like its current appearance. Similarly, we sought ways to improve the Edvard Beneš embankment so that it would serve more people than just passing cars and trams. So, our ideas are based on personal experience and everyday observations.

For now, let us focus on communications, both personal and online. Let us address the concerns of impersonal meetings, phone calls to strangers, and mass video conferencing. These are powerful tools which, when used correctly, save a lot of time.

They are not just urban planning projects

MOONSHOT also includes challenges in product design that come from the desire to create something that doesn’t exist yet. Filling a hole in the market. These challenges are complex, which is why no one else is tackling them. For instance, we didn’t like the outdoor fireplaces and workbenches on the market, so we decided to come up with our own designs. We aimed to create a thin-walled concrete outdoor fireplace with a grill option, something not currently available. We explored whether it could be made at all. Even though we are still taking baby steps, we are not giving up. Similarly, we embarked on a workbench project that meets acoustic and Green Deal requirements, is not transported at its final size, and can be assembled by a moderately proficient assembler. We are already testing a second prototype, which should be ready by the summer.

This year, we have a simple MOONSHOT on the list:

the challenge of air conditioning and its placement in interiors. We want to create a simple and elegant alternative to the standard cassette ceiling unit. At the same time, we will also focus on the design of end elements of technical equipment in buildings, which are essential but often neglected in terms of design. We aim to change that.
MOONSHOT projects allow us to push the boundaries of our capabilities and test teamwork. We work with new talents and motivate them with interesting tasks outside of commercial commissions. We are open to discussing innovative ideas that have not been pitched to us and strive to push our limits. That’s why we’d love to have you as part of our team!
Do you want to participate in our visions and projects? Drop us a line and we’ll get back to you.